After an extended break, welcome back to RDT's series of posts for teachers who want to include movement/dance in their classrooms. This is the fifth post in the series. Feel free to take a look at the previous posts here, under Lesson of the Month section. Our goal is to inspire teachers to use simple dance moves with
This weekend marks the 4th annual Regalia fundraiser for Repertory Dance Theatre (RDT). Every year, RDT receives choreographer applicants from across the nation and selects four artists to compete for a commission in one of RDT's season concerts. The audience cast their votes and decide which artist will receive the opportunity to create and present work with RDT.
Excerpt from "Dabke" by Zvi Gotheiner Learning Donald McKayle's Rainbow Round My Shoulder was a very personal journey for me. Growing up as a black female in America with parents who lived through and experienced segregation, I heard stories like these of my ancestors, but could never truly grasp what it meant. I knew it was a struggle. I
For: the DANCER RDT's Dance Center on Broadway {the everyday dancer} RDT'S DANCE CENTER ON BROADWAY offers classes for adults (ages 16+) evenings and weekends at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. Classes are for all levels in a variety of styles, so there really is something for everyone. Students can drop-in to classes when it works for them -- there's
How does a first-year Company member work through learning dances that the rest of the Company has known for years? Daniel Do shares his valuable lesson that applies to more than just learning choreography. I recently started my first season as a company member with Repertory Dance Theatre. I am thrilled to be back in my hometown of Salt Lake
Repertory Dance Theatre’s 53rd season opens with a tribute to yesterday and today in SPIRIT, October 4-6. The concert features two historical works (including the modern dance classic, “Rainbow ‘Round My Shoulder” by Donald McKayle) as well as two world-premieres. We will be featuring interviews with each of the choreographers as we lead up to the show. See Tiffany
Repertory Dance Theatre's 53rd season opens with a tribute to yesterday and today in SPIRIT, October 4-6. The concert features two historical works (including the modern dance classic, "Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder" by Donald McKayle) as well as two world-premieres. We will be featuring interviews with each of the choreographers as we lead up to the show. See
Repertory Dance Theatre's 53rd season opens with a tribute to yesterday and today in SPIRIT, October 4-6. The concert features two historical works (including the modern dance classic, "Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder" by Donald McKayle) as well as two world-premieres. We will be featuring interviews with each of the choreographers as we lead up to the show. First up
Francisco Gella danced with RDT from 1996-1998. It was his first professional dancing job after graduating from the University of Washington. Later he went on to dance with Philadelphia Dance Company and, later, Ballet Pacifica and the California Ballet. In the video below, Gella talks about what it has been like to work on the other side of creation
Welcome to RDT's series of posts for teachers who want to include movement/dance in their classrooms. This is the third post in the series. Feel free to take a look at the first post HERE, the second post HERE, the third post HERE. Our goal is to inspire teachers to use simple dance moves with their students to help them