Welcome to RDT's series of posts for teachers who want to include movement/dance in their classrooms. Feel free to take a look at the previous posts here, under Lesson of the Month section. Our goal is to inspire teachers to use simple dance moves with their students to help them get to know each other as the school
This week, RDT brings together 12 choreographers to explore some of the world's most beloved music in a whole new way. RDT's Executive/Artistic Director, Linda C. Smith and composer Scott Killian came up with the concept of SOUNDS FAMILIAR after complaining that young people did not seem to have enough exposure to classical music. They gave 12 choreographers
For the past seven years, Salt Lake has been my home and Repertory Dance Theatre my family. Last year, I made a difficult decision that RDT’s 2019/2020 season would be my last with the company. Saying “farewell” next year will be one of the toughest things I have to do. Say Their Names by Natosha Washington “RDT is the
Upon starting the 2019-2020 season with Repertory Dance Theatre, I found myself thrust into the moment. In the dance world, there is never enough rehearsal time and never too much preparation because our art can always dig deeper and discover new depths. Filament by Andy Noble As the newest dancer just starting my first year, this proved true. Besides