Repertory Dance Theatre

In Memory of Claudia Sisemore

RDT mourns the passing of Claudia Sisemore, an artistic colleague and friend who used her extraordinary gifts to document Utah’s rich visual and performing arts heritage.

A celebrated visual artist and film-maker, Claudia created over 20 documentaries focusing on the work of LeConte Stewart, Alvin Gittins, Virginia Tanner, Maurice Abravanel, Anton Rasmussen, V. Douglas Snow, Lee Deffebach, George Dibble, Larry Elsner, Connie Borup, Kathryn Stats, Ed Maryon, Bonnie Phillips, Denis Phillips, Tony Smith, Kasiah Hancock, Francis Zimbeaux, Ted Wassmer, Randall Lake and Willam Christensen.

Claudia loved modern dance and generously filmed RDT’s concerts for more than 25 years. She created A Bold Experiment, a documentary about our company that we will always treasure along with her generosity and inspiring belief in the importance of the arts.

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