RDT goes Gaga – AGAIN, part 2
RDT dancers reflect on the Gaga Experience:
Tyler Orcutt: Gaga helped me to connect to my “inner groove.” The way that class is structured in particular creates a sense of enlightenment in the way one can move and work differently than what one is used to. You never stop moving for the entire duration of class. Instead of leaving an idea behind, as one would start to focus on a new idea, all ideas continue to stack up on one another. Because of this, gaga creates a space that fosters creativity through one’s own exploration of body and mind.
Jaclyn Brown: The concepts I have discovered in Gaga have greatly changed the way I embody movement. When I first began studying gaga, I realized what a great imitator I had been in my dancing. I could make movement look the way it was “supposed to” on the outside of my body in terms of shape and energy; the problem was that I did not actually taste the sensations of my movement inside of my body. Now I have a renewed excitement about discovering my dancing from the inside out, and it makes me feel like a kid again!
Lauren Curley: Opening myself up to the amazingly structured improvisation element of the gaga movement language has been delicious to wrap my mind and body around. Being given permission to live in the extremes releases an almost carnal feeling for me that is wholly satisfying and terrifying to experience. There is a sensuality to drawing inspiration from the textural qualities within your own body that has lent itself beautifully to my approach to rehearsing, be it with classical or contemporary works. It feels indulgent to have the privilege to derive such pleasure from movement, yet so fulfilling artistically.
Dan Higgins: The language of gaga has brought a freshness and deeper understanding to my movement. I feel more alive as I move, and I am able to access the deeper, and richer qualities of multiple movement styles through the ideals that the gaga language provides.
Lacie Scott: Researching sensations while moving/dancing brings a new awareness to the body and continually increases the vocabulary of movement possibilities. A growing vocabulary provides choices of endless different textures to improve performance of any choreographic style.
Justin Bass: When I think about how gaga movement has affected my style of dance and life, I think about my own personal journey and where I started. Since every moment is a new one in this movement, I am constantly retracing steps that have gotten me to where I am mentally and physically as an artist. It’s like being asked to explain the way I breathe; it’s constant but ever-changing in what is called “in the moment.”