Emerge: Sounds Delightful

Virtual performance - February 3-March 6


January 7-8, 2022 | 7:30 pm + 2:00 pm on Saturday

Virtual, On-Demand

February 4-March 6, 2022

Repertory Dance Theatre was founded as a professional dance company that embraced some revolutionary concepts that have continued to guide us for over 55 years. As a resource center for performing artists, the company was also founded to nurture the art of choreography and to provide opportunities to emerging artists to develop choreographic skills.
As part of our mission,  every RDT dancer is given the opportunity to develop their choreographic skills and be able to create work for the many schools and communities we serve. Because of this rich experience, many dancers have gone on to form their own companies or continue their dance careers in academic institutions throughout the country.
EMERGE: Sounds Delightful, will embrace a musical theme this year that is sure to captivate audiences and deliver just what we all need to see… a smile on everyone's face. As we make a transition into watching dance in theaters again, RDT is feeling a bit nostalgic and looking at the music of the 1930s and ’40s as a source of inspiration.
Kaley Pruitt on her process: I began the process for Hold by sharing my personal experiences during the pandemic and motivations in making a work that would reflect this moment of shared experience.  I communicated my driving motivation to create a dynamic rehearsal space of healing, learning, and connection to each other and our present history. I welcomed that this latter priority would shift our “product” in a direction that I could not foresee nor take sole ownership of.  The gift of working collaboratively with RDT's amazingly talented and generous dancers in a rehearsal space unmasked, physically connecting after a year and a half of distanced, masked, and often digital interaction was not lost on us.  The process that unfolded was cathartic.  We explored the thin edge between our most personal experiences and the universal experience of the global pandemic.  The creative process provided a space for reflection, embodied conversation, and liberating expression.  I believe the finished work reflects a deepened sense of community and empathy, and I'm thrilled to share it with audiences in Salt Lake and those streaming from afar in January. -Kaley  

Virtual Performance

The virtual performance will be available beginning February 3 at 6:00 pm MST, until March 6, 2022.

By purchasing a virtual ticket, you will be given access to up to two views for one week from the release date.

Associate Executive/Artistic Director & Development Director
Rehearsal Director

Many of the more than 100 RDT alumni have established their own companies or have become international choreographers with many awards, commissions and distinctions of reputations. There is no doubt that legacy will expand with the company’s current corps of dancers.

Les Roka / The Utah Review

One of the most important takeaways from Repertory Dance Theatre’s (RDT) artistic culture is the sincere encouragement its dance artists receive not only as performers but also as choreographers.

Les Roka / The Utah Review
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