It is with great sadness that RDT announces that our “Artistic Princess” is gone. Kay Clark passed away on Weds, May 27. 2020 Kay Clark in The Incense by Ruth St. Denis Kay Clark was one of the founding members of Repertory Dance Theatre. In 1966, Kay and seven other dancers were invited by the Rockefeller Foundation to embark on
Always in our memory. Kathleen McClintock McCormick. We called her KJ. She was a dancer with Repertory Dance Theatre from 1967-1974, during the formative years. Her beautiful dancing and vivacious spirit, her dynamic energy and charisma helped put RDT on the national dance map. Whether she was performing the seductive movement of John Butler's The Initiate, or creating edgy drama in Richard
Francisco Gella danced with RDT from 1996-1998. It was his first professional dancing job after graduating from the University of Washington. Later he went on to dance with Philadelphia Dance Company and, later, Ballet Pacifica and the California Ballet. In the video below, Gella talks about what it has been like to work on the other side of creation